
This is an effort to provide support for version specific docs and maintain a cleaner wiki

Current scenario of our wiki#

  • We have version specific docs in dogtagpki.org wiki with the prefix attached to title <PKI 10.x>.

  • Some of these wiki pages are extremely difficult to maintain and become outdated easily.

  • Static pages (eg: instructions to submit patches) become outdated very easily

  • No way to view all the pages that exist in our wiki

    • Some of the current wiki pages are outdated and useless

Proposed scenario#

  • Move version specific docs to docs/ in the GitHub repo under the corresponding version branch (Eg: 10.6 docs to master and 10.5 docs to DOGTAG_10_5_BRANCH)

    • This provisions an option to create GH pages

  • General knowledge docs (eg. Git, Travis, openssl, nss, etc) which are not specific to a PKI version can be moved to Github wiki or stay in mediawiki

  • Product docs need to be versioned and added to the upstream repo’s corresponding branch (as explained in #1)

  • The wiki and docs will be written in Markdown (.md) file, allowing us to keep a uniformity across all docs

Steps to implement#

Following are steps to implemented (in prioritized order):

  1. Write new product docs in upstream repo

  2. Move old product docs into upstream repo

  3. Move Knowledge Base docs into GH wiki

Advantages of proposed scenario#

  1. Easier to maintain docs

  2. Uniformity of docs (in .md) provides an option for docs team to convert them into the desired format using tools (if exist)

  3. Option to view all docs and prune unwanted pages