
PKI project uses Travis CI for continuous integration service. When a patch is pushed to the main repository, the CI service will automatically generate a new build and run a set of basic tests. The process normally takes approximately 25 minutes to complete.

It is advised that each contributor sets up a personal Travis CI account to run the build and test before pushing a patch to the main PKI repository. To create a personal Travis CI account go to https://travis-ci.org.

Note: https://travis-ci.com is a paid-service for private projects while https://travis-ci.org is free for open source projects.

Setting Up Personal Travis CI#

1. Fork PKI project (i.e. dogtagpki/pki) into your GitHub account (e.g. /pki) by clicking the Fork button on the top right of the page.

2. Add the forked repository by clicking the + sign next to My Repositories.



  1. Select the forked repository.



If necessary, click on Sync projects from GitHub or Sync account on the top right of the page to refresh the list of repositories.

4. In your forked project, go to Settings -> Integration & services, verify that Travis CI appears under Services.



Configuring Local Repository#

Add the forked repository into your local Git repository:

$ git remote add personal ``\ ```https://github.com/ <>`__/pki.git

Verify that the repository is added properly:

$ <span class="cli-demo-input">git remote -v</span>
gerrit  ssh://SilleBille@review.gerrithub.io:29418/dogtagpki/pki (fetch)
gerrit  ssh://SilleBille@review.gerrithub.io:29418/dogtagpki/pki (push)
origin  https://github.com/dogtagpki/pki.git (fetch)
origin  https://github.com/dogtagpki/pki.git (push)
personal    https://github.com/SilleBille/pki.git (fetch)
personal    https://github.com/SilleBille/pki.git (push)

Running Personal Travis CI#

To run the personal Travis CI, commit your changes in the local Git repository.

Then push your changes to your personal GitHub repository:

$ git push personal master

Verify the result in your Travis CI account.
