Pulling PHP Docker Image#

To pulling RHEL PHP Docker image from repository:

$ docker pull rhscl/php-56-rhel7

To pulling CentOS PHP Docker image from repository:

$ docker pull centos/php-56-centos7

Building PHP Docker Image#

To build RHEL PHO Docker image with S2I:

$ s2i build https://github.com/sclorg/s2i-php-container.git --context-dir=5.6/test/test-app rhscl/php-56-rhel7 php-test-app

To build CentOS PHO Docker image with S2I:

$ s2i build https://github.com/sclorg/s2i-php-container.git --context-dir=5.6/test/test-app centos/php-56-centos7 php-test-app

To run the application:

$ docker run -p 8080:8080 php-test-app

To verify, open http://localhost:8080.
