
Current functional tests are stored in tests/dogtag folder.

Shell Tests#

The shell-based tests are available here.

Java Tests#

Java-based tests are available here.

Setting up the test environment#

A new DS instance, to be used by the CA instance for which the tests are run, can be created by running the following command:

$ setup-ds.pl --silent --\
``    General.FullMachineName=$HOSTNAME``
``    General.SuiteSpotUserID=dirsrv``
``    General.SuiteSpotGroup=dirsrv``
``    slapd.ServerPort=389``
``    slapd.ServerIdentifier=pki-tomcat``
``    slapd.Suffix=dc=example,dc=com``
``    slapd.RootDN=”cn=Directory Manager”``
``    slapd.RootDNPwd=Secret.123``

Then a CA instance can be created using the deploment configuration file tests/dogtag/conf/deploy.cfg with the command:

$ pkispawn -s CA -f deploy.cfg

The ca_admin_cert.p12 file has to be imported into an NSS DB to be used for authentication in the tests.

Since pkispawn can only be run as root user, the ca_admin_cert.p12 file is created in /root/.dogtag/pki-tomcat/. The root user can run the following commands to make it available to a non-root user.

$ cp ~/.dogtag/pki-tomcat/ca_admin_cert.p12 /tmp
$ chmod 777 /tmp/ca_admin_cert.p12

Now the following commands can be executed by non-root user to import the cert PKCS12 file into a local NSS DB.

$ pki -d /tmp/nssdb -c Secret.123 client-init
$ pki -d /tmp/nssdb -c Secret.123 pkcs12-import --pkcs12-file /tmp/ca_admin_cert.p12 --pkcs12-password Secret.123

Any the changes during the initial setup have to be updated in the tests/dogtag/conf/test.cfg. (Used by the tests) With all the setting above mentioned the tests will run successfully.

Running the tests#

The tests can be either run individually or as as part of a suite in Eclipse. To run the tests as a suite, Open BeakerTestSuite and run as JUnit test. A suite is a test runner which executes all the tests added to it using the @SuiteClasses tag.

A customized suite, PKITestSuite, is used to provide additional functionality when the tests are run on a beaker test machine.

To run the tests individually(a class like CATestJunit), just run the class as a JUnitTest.

Python Test#

Python-based tests are available here and here.
