
PKI server theme is distributed in a separate package (i.e. dogtag-pki-server-theme).

If the theme package was already installed before deploying the PKI server instance, the theme will be deployed automatically and all subsystems will have a theme.

If the theme package was not installed during PKI server deployment, the subsystems in the PKI server will not have a theme.

If the theme package is installed after PKI server deployment, the theme can be deployed manually into the server.

Deploying Theme#

To deploy PKI theme into an existing server, copy the theme deployment descriptor (i.e. pki.xml) into the server configuration folder:

$ cp /usr/share/pki/server/conf/Catalina/localhost/pki.xml \
``   /var/lib/pki/\ ``pki-tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost

Wait for a few seconds for Tomcat to detect the change. No restart is required.

Undeploy Theme#

To undeploy PKI theme from an existing server, simply remove the deployment descriptor from the server configuration folder:

$ rm /var/lib/pki/pki-tomcat/conf/Catalina/localhost/pki.xml

Wait for a few seconds for Tomcat to detect the change. No restart is required.
