
Sometimes it is necessary to access the PKI services in IPA directly. Some of the PKI services may require PKI admin authentication, so the PKI admin certificate needs to be imported into the PKI client environment.

Preparing PKI Client#

If necessary, create a new security database on the client:

$ pki -c Secret.123 client-init
Client initialized

Importing PKI Admin Certificate#

Import the PKI admin certificate which is stored in /root/ca-agent.p12 on the server with the following command:

$ pki -c Secret.123 client-cert-import --pkcs12 /root/ca-agent.p12 --pkcs12-password <IPA admin's password>
Imported certificates from PKCS #12 file

Verify the import with this command:

$ pki -c Secret.123 client-cert-find
1 certificate(s) found
  Serial Number: 0x6
  Nickname: ipa-ca-agent
  Subject DN: CN=ipa-ca-agent,O=EXAMPLE.COM
  Issuer DN: CN=Certificate Authority,O=EXAMPLE.COM
Number of entries returned 1

Using PKI Admin Certificate#

The PKI admin certificate can be used by specifying the “ipa-ca-agent” nickname to access CA services:

$ pki -c Secret.123 -n ipa-ca-agent ca-user-find
4 entries matched
  User ID: CA-server.example.com-8443
  Full name: CA-server.example.com-8443

  User ID: admin
  Full name: admin

  User ID: pkidbuser
  Full name: pkidbuser

  User ID: ipara
  Full name: ipara
Number of entries returned 4

and KRA services:

$ pki -c Secret.123 -n ipa-ca-agent kra-user-find
3 entries matched
  User ID: admin
  Full name: admin

  User ID: CA-server.example.com-443
  Full name: CA-server.example.com-443

  User ID: ipakra
  Full name: IPA KRA User
Number of entries returned 3
