
This page describes the process to create DS release for Fedora.


Obtain a Kerberos ticket for FEDORAPROJECT.ORG account and COPR authentication token.

Getting Source Package#

The repository for DS source package for Fedora is located at https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/389-ds-base. To clone the repository locally:

$ fedpkg clone 389-ds-base
$ cd 389-ds-base

The repository can be forked for development. To add the fork into the local repository:

$ git remote add ``\ `` ``\ ```ssh:// <ssh://>`__@pkgs.fedoraproject.org/forks//rpms/389-ds-base.git
``$ git fetch ``

Update Source Tarball#

Generate a tarball with the following commands:

$ cd ``\ ``389-ds-base
$ git archive --prefix=389-ds-base-VERSION/ HEAD | bzip2 > 389-ds-base-VERSION.tar.bz2

Generate the checksum for the source tarball with the following command:

$ cd ``\ ``Fedora/389-ds-base
$ sha512sum --tag 389-ds-base-VERSION.tar.bz2

Creating Test Build#

Create a COPR build with the following command:

$ cd ``\ ``Fedora/389-ds-base
$ fedpkg copr-build edewata/pki --nowait

or create a scratch build with the following commands:

$ fedpkg srpm
``$ fedpkg scratch-build –nowait –srpm ``

See Also#