Certificate Requests#

QueryReq.doSearch(count, direction, top, bottom):

if direction == 'previous':
    doSearch(-count, top)

elif direction == 'next':
    doSearch(count, bottom + 1)

elif direction == 'begin':
    doSearch(count, 0)

elif direction == 'first':
    doSearch(count, bottom)

else:  # direction == 'end':
    doSearch(-count, -1)

QueryReq.doSearch(count, marker):

jumptoend = false
if marker == -1:
    marker = 0
    jumptoend = true

list = getPagedRequestsByFilter(marker, jumptoend, count < 0 ? count -1 : count + 1)

maxCount = 0
if count < 0 && jumptoend:
    maxCount = -count
elif count < 0:
    maxCount = -count + 1
    maxCount = count

totalCount = jumptoend ? maxCount : list.getSize() - list.getCurrentIndex()

v = fetchRecords(list, maxCount)
v = normalizeOrder(v)
trim(v, marker)

Scenario 1: Searching the last request ID#

In this example there are 7 entries in the database.

First page#

  • QueryReq.doSearch(20, ‘first’, 0, 7)

  • marker: 7

  • list: [7]

  • entry #7 was removed => bug

Scenario 2: Navigating to next page with 1 entry#

In this example there are 7 entries in the database.

First page#

  • QueryReq.doSearch(20, ‘first’, 0, 0)

  • marker: 0

Changing page size to 3#

  • QueryReq.doSearch(3, ‘begin’, 1, 7)

  • marker: 0

Going to the 2nd page#

  • QueryReq.doSearch(3, ‘next’, 1, 3)

  • marker: 4

Going to the 3rd page#

  • QueryReq.doSearch(3, ‘next’, 4, 6)

  • marker: 7

  • list: [7]

  • entry #7 was removed => bug

Scenario 3: Navigating to prev page with 1 entry#

In this example there are 7 entries in the database.

First page#

  • QueryReq.doSearch(20, ‘first’, 0, 2)

  • marker: 2

Going to the previous page#

  • QueryReq.doSearch(20, ‘prev’, 2, 7)

  • marker: 2

  • list: [1, 2]

  • entry #2 was removed => correct