
Dogtag 9.0#

Additionally, the RA and TPS subsystems require the Fortitude mod_nss and mod_revocator Apache plug-ins to be installed and enabled by the system’s Apache web server.

For an RA subsystem, become the root user, and install the following packages:

yum install mod_nss mod_perl mod_revocator openldap-clients\
``            openldap-devel perl-DBD-SQLite perl-HTML-Parser``
``            perl-HTML-Tagset perl-Parse-RecDescent perl-URI``
``            perl-XML-NamespaceSupport perl-XML-Parser perl-XML-SAX``
``            perl-XML-Simple perl-libwww-perl sendmail sqlite``

For a TPS subsystem, become the root user, and install the following packages:

yum install mod_nss mod_perl mod_revocator openldap-clients\
``            openldap-devel pcre-devel perl-HTML-Parser``
``            perl-HTML-Tagset perl-Parse-RecDescent perl-URI``
``            perl-XML-NamespaceSupport perl-XML-Parser perl-XML-SAX``
``            perl-XML-Simple perl-libwww-perl``

Dogtag 1.3 and Earlier#

Additionally, the RA and TPS subsystems require the Fortitude mod_nss Apache plug-in to be installed and enabled by the system’s Apache web server.

For an RA subsystem, become the root user, and install the following packages:

yum install mod_nss mod_perl mozldap perl-DBD-SQLite perl-HTML-Parser\
``            perl-HTML-Tagset perl-Parse-RecDescent perl-URI``
``            perl-XML-NamespaceSupport perl-XML-Parser perl-XML-SAX``
``            perl-XML-Simple perl-libwww-perl sendmail sqlite``

For a TPS subsystem, become the root user, and install the following packages:

yum install mod_nss mod_perl mozldap pcre-devel perl-HTML-Parser\
``            perl-HTML-Tagset perl-Parse-RecDescent perl-URI``
``            perl-XML-NamespaceSupport perl-XML-Parser``
``            perl-XML-SAX perl-XML-Simple perl-libwww-perl``

Building Dogtag 9#

PKI components can be built individually or collectively via the subversion repository:

Alternatively, if the user does not wish to use the subversion repository, PKI components can be built individually using SRPMS:

Managing PKI Instances#

To create additional instances, the following command can be used:

$ /usr/bin/pkicreate

Similarly, to remove an existing instance, the following command can be used:

$ /usr/bin/pkiremove