
WARNING: As of 01 Apr 2019, this document is deprecated. Please seeAutomated COPR builds

As the product gets bigger and complex, building and maintaining the product gets difficult. So is the case with Dogtag. Currently, we have a nightly infrastructure that runs in 2 stages:


The overall architecture of the new Nightly infrastructure:



Configuring Travis#

COPR uses API token to authenticate for every srpm submitted. pkijenkinsbot has it’s own API token. To install this API onto travis:

  • Login into Travis

  • Click on the ‘ pki-nightly-test’ repo

  • Click on More Options -> Settings

  • If there is a COPR_API key, delete it (click on trash can)

  • Create a new key with name COPR_API and for value, follow the next steps

  • Log into COPR website

  • Get the API token from https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/api/

login = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
username = xxxxxxxx
token = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
copr_url = ``\ ```https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org <https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org>`__"
  • Copy & paste the contents of the API to a notepad

  • At the end of every line place ‘n’ (without quotes)

  • Make the entire key into a single line

  • Add double quotes (”) to the start and end of the line

"[copr-cli]\nlogin = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\nusername = xxxxxxxx\ntoken = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\ncopr_url = ``\ ```https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org <https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org>`__"

  • Copy the entire line and paste into value field of step #5

PKI Nightly COPR Build#

Nightly COPR builds for PKI are done through a cron job linked to dogtagpki/pki-nightly-test

Under the hood#

A fedora image is pulled from the official Fedora registry for building and uploading the SRPMs to COPR

Inside the container:

  1. COPR credentials and config is set

  2. Upstream PKI github repo is cloned

  3. `./build.sh –with-timestamp –with-commit-id –work-dir=/packages srpm` is executed

  4. `copr build /packages/*.src.rpm` is executed which submits the build to COPR `10.6-nightly` repo

IPA Nightly test#

IPA uses components of Dogtag PKI to generate certificates, renew, etc. Cert related tests of IPA run every night.

Under the hood#

There are 2 docker containers currently being spawned:

  1. To download the RPMS from COPR: It is just used to download the RPMS using `dnf` tool and copies the rpms to the host Travis machine

  2. `ipa-docker-test-runner` spawns the in-house maintained docker container (eg: f27_106_46 image available in dogtagpki/pki-ci) to run the ipa tests

Future Work#

  1. Eliminate the use of docker image and avoid maintenance of docker repo (eg: dogtagpki/pki-ci) [DONE]

  2. Eliminate the use of `ipa-docker-test-runner` tool and instead run the ipa-tests using the python3-ipatests tool [DONE]

  3. Move the complete nightly builds from Travis to Gitlab to sync up with the QE team