
A Continuous Integration(CI) testing framework is a test-driven framework for automating the execution of all unit tests while integrating changes from different developer working branches into the main master.

Trac Tickets :657,721,722,723,724,725,726

Why do we need this?#

Three primary goals that are achieved by having such a framework are:

Continuous Integration (CI):

A CI server (Jenkins) will be run continuously by the developer team to execute the tests on every commit (on availability of resources) and publish the results to the concerned parties

boosting the time for error detection and their fixes.

Developer Testing:

The developers can add new tests, be it an addition to the QE tests, a custom JUnit tests / a custom python tests (not yet available).

Opensource the tests for the user:

All the tests (QE/Unit tests) will be available even for the users, to setup and test the product. This will also help debug the issues they have.


The entire framework can be divided into the following segments:

1. Jenkins CI server - to initiate the the entire process - checking out the latest source, building the rpms, running the tests and reporting the results.

The source checkout is configured in the Jenkins server and the build process can be initiated in a post-checkout script.

2. Beaker Server - For managing resources and running the tests and generating the reports.

3. Tests - All the QE tests and JUnit tests, which are built as an RPM and passed to a beaker job and executed.

How the Java tests are run on the beaker machine?
``  Unit tests by developers can be written in Java/Python for it is easy to write and maintain the tests.``
``  This will also help in interacting with the source code directly. (Since most of the code is written in Java).``
``  A similar case is applicable for testing the python client. (In future.)``
``  An extension to JUnit TestRunner is provided to generate the output in a beaker understandable format.``
``  ``
``  ————————————————``
``  Design and implementation of the Java test-suite``
``  ————————————————``
``  ``
``  The BeakerTestSuite is the entry point for executing the tests.``
``  A wrapper script is written which invokes this Suite on the Beaker machine. (Can be seen at the end of the section.)``
``     ``
``  @RunWith(PKITestSuite.class) – //Extended test runner (type: junit.runners.Suite)``
``  @SuiteClasses({CATestJunit.class, SampleTest1.class}) // List all the test classes here to be run by the custom runner. ``
``  public class BeakerTestSuite {``
``    // Just a holder for all the test cases.``
``  ``
``  }``
``  ``
``  The PKITestSuite class is an extension of the the junit.runners.Suite class. ``
``  The run method is overwritten to add the Journal start beaker command and adding a custom listener``
``  to the RunNotifier. This custom listener BeakerResultReporter will add the beaker commands ``
``  for the corresponding JUnit events.``
``  ``
``  /**``
``   * Extension of the junit.runners.Suite class.``
``   * Using this runner will provide additional functionality to create``
``   * a corresponding beaker script. Which when run, outputs the results understood by``
``   * beaker. ``
``   * @author akoneru``
``   *``
``   */``
``  public class PKITestSuite extends Suite {``
``  ``
``   public PKITestSuite(Class<?> klass, RunnerBuilder builder)``
``           throws InitializationError {``
``       super(klass, builder);``
``       beakerScript = BeakerScript.getInstance();``
``       bRR = new BeakerResultReporter();``
``   }``
``  ``
``   private BeakerScript beakerScript;``
``   private BeakerResultReporter bRR;``
``  ``
``   protected PKITestSuite(Class<?> klass, Class<?>[] suiteClasses)``
``           throws InitializationError {``
``       super(klass, suiteClasses);``
``       beakerScript = BeakerScript.getInstance();``
``       bRR = new BeakerResultReporter();``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Override``
``   protected void runChild(Runner runner, RunNotifier notifier) {``
``       super.runChild(runner, notifier);``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Override``
``   public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {``
``       beakerScript.addBeakerCommand(new String[] { “rlJournalStart” });``
``       notifier.addListener(bRR);``
``       super.run(notifier);``
``       beakerScript.addBeakerCommand(new String[] { “rlJournalEnd” });``
``       writeAndExecuteBeakerCommands();``
``   }``
``  ``
``   private void writeAndExecuteBeakerCommands() {``
``       File file = new File(“java-tests-script.sh”);``
``       PrintWriter pw = null;``
``       try {``
``           pw = new PrintWriter(file);``
``           pw.write(beakerScript.getAllCommandsToRun());``
``       } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {``
``           e.printStackTrace();``
``       } finally {``
``           if (pw != null)``
``               pw.close();``
``       }``
``   }``
``  ``
``  }``
``  ``
``  The BeakerResultReporter is an extension of the RunListener which reports the ``
``  the test run events to the beaker script.``
``  /**``
``   * A custom definition of the RunListener class.``
``   * This listener is added to the custom runner (PKITestSuite).``
``   * It reports the start and end of test case as well as the ``
``   * atomic tests in each test case. And the results of the test``
``   * to the beaker script.``
``   * @author akoneru``
``   *``
``   */``
``  class BeakerResultReporter extends RunListener {``
``  ``
``   private boolean result = true;``
``   BeakerScript beakerScript;``
``  ``
``   public BeakerResultReporter() {``
``       beakerScript = BeakerScript.getInstance();``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Override``
``   public void testRunStarted(Description description) throws Exception {``
``       beakerScript.addBeakerCommand(new String[] { “rlPhaseStart”,``
``               description.getDisplayName() });``
``       super.testRunStarted(description);``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Override``
``   public void testRunFinished(Result result) throws Exception {``
``       super.testRunFinished(result);``
``       beakerScript.addBeakerCommand(new String[] { “rlPhaseEnd” });``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Override``
``   public void testAssumptionFailure(Failure failure) {``
``       super.testAssumptionFailure(failure);``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Override``
``   public void testStarted(Description description) throws Exception {``
``       super.testStarted(description);``
``       beakerScript.addBeakerCommand(new String[] { “rlPhaseStartTest”,``
``               description.getDisplayName() });``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Override``
``   public void testFailure(Failure failure) throws Exception {``
``       super.testFailure(failure);``
``       result = false;``
``       beakerScript.addBeakerCommand(new String[] { “rlFail”,``
``               failure.getMessage() });``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Override``
``   public void testFinished(Description description) throws Exception {``
``       super.testFinished(description);``
``       if (result) {``
``           beakerScript``
``                   .addBeakerCommand(new String[] { “rlPass”,``
``                           description.getDisplayName(),``
``                           description.getMethodName() });``
``       }``
``       beakerScript.addBeakerCommand(new String[] { “rlPhaseEnd” });``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Override``
``   public void testIgnored(Description description) throws Exception {``
``       super.testIgnored(description);``
``   }``
``  ``
``  }``
``  ``
``  The BeakerScript class. (The representation of the beakerscript file.)``
``  /**``
``   * An object of this class represents the beaker script file``
``   * that is generated at the end of the test run.``
``   * This is a singleton class because the object of this class ``
``   * is shared between the testcase and the custom RunListener(BeakerResultReporter)``
``   * @author akoneru``
``   *``
``   */``
``  final class BeakerScript {``
``  ``
``   private static BeakerScript beakerScript = new BeakerScript();``
``  ``
``   private String beakerLib;``
``   private StringBuilder commandStore;``
``  ``
``   private BeakerScript() {``
``       // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub``
``       // Add a check for the availability of beaker lib.``
``       String bashHeader = “#!/bin/bash”;``
``       beakerLib = “. /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh”;``
``       commandStore = new StringBuilder(bashHeader);``
``       commandStore.append(”n”);``
``       commandStore.append(beakerLib);``
``       commandStore.append(”n”);``
``   }``
``  ``
``   public static BeakerScript getInstance() {``
``       return beakerScript;``
``   }``
``  ``
``   public void addBeakerCommand(String[] command) {``
``       for (int i = 0; i < command.length; i++) {``
``           commandStore.append(command[i]);``
``           commandStore.append(” “);``
``           if (i == 0 && command.length > 1) {``
``               commandStore.append(”"”);``
``           }``
``       }``
``       if (command.length > 1)``
``           commandStore.append(”"”);``
``       commandStore.append(”n”);``
``   }``
``  ``
``   public String getAllCommandsToRun() {``
``       return commandStore.toString();``
``   }``
``  ``
``   public void close() {``
``       beakerScript = new BeakerScript();``
``   }``
``  }``
``  ``
``  The PKIJUnitTest has to be extended by all the testcases. It currently provides``
``  the log functionality and setting the log level. Any other common code between all the testcases``
``  like the environment variable etc. can go in here.``
``  /**``
``   * This class has to be parent class to all the test cases.``
``   * It provides a logging api to write all the information to``
``   * the beaker script. It will also be used to store any common ``
``   * information shared between all the test cases. ``
``   * @author akoneru``
``   *``
``   */``
``  public class PKIJUnitTest {``
``  ``
``   public static String INFO = “rlLogInfo”;``
``   public static String DEBUG = “rlLogDebug”;``
``   public static String WARNING = “rlLogWarning”;``
``   public static String ERROR = “rlLogError”;``
``   public static String CRITICAL = “rlLogFatal”;``
``  ``
``   private BeakerScript beakerScript;``
``   String logLevel;``
``  ``
``   public PKIJUnitTest() {``
``       beakerScript = BeakerScript.getInstance();``
``       logLevel = INFO;``
``   }``
``  ``
``   public void setLogLevel(String logLevel) {``
``       this.logLevel = logLevel;``
``   }``
``  ``
``   public void log(String message) {``
``       beakerScript.addBeakerCommand(new String[] { logLevel, message });``
``   }``
``  ``
``  }``
``  Sample JUnit test to list completed cert requests.``
``   ``
``  public class CATestJunit extends PKIJUnitTest {``
``  ``
``   String host = “localhost”;``
``   String port = “8443”;``
``   String token_pwd = “XXXXXXX”;``
``   String db_dir = “/tmp/nssdb”;``
``   String protocol = “https”;``
``   String clientCertNickname = “caadmin”;``
``   CryptoManager manager = null;``
``   CryptoToken token = null;``
``   CAClient client;``
``  ``
``   public CATestJunit() {``
``       super();``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Before``
``   public void initializeDB() {``
``  ``
``       // Initialize token``
``       try {``
``           CryptoManager.initialize(db_dir);``
``       } catch (AlreadyInitializedException e) {``
``           // it is ok if it is already initialized``
``       } catch (Exception e) {``
``           log((“INITIALIZATION ERROR: ” + e.toString()));``
``           System.exit(1);``
``       }``
``       // log into token``
``       try {``
``           manager = CryptoManager.getInstance();``
``           token = manager.getInternalKeyStorageToken();``
``           Password password = new Password(token_pwd.toCharArray());``
``           try {``
``               token.login(password);``
``           } catch (Exception e) {``
``               log(“login Exception: ” + e.toString());``
``               if (!token.isLoggedIn()) {``
``                   token.initPassword(password, password);``
``               }``
``           }``
``       } catch (Exception e) {``
``           log(“Exception in logging into token:” + e.toString());``
``       }``
``       try {``
``           ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();``
``           config.setServerURI(protocol + “://” + host + “:” + port + “/ca”);``
``           config.setCertNickname(clientCertNickname);``
``  ``
``           client = new CAClient(new PKIClient(config));``
``       } catch (Exception e) {``
``           e.printStackTrace();``
``           return;``
``       }``
``   }``
``  ``
``   @Test``
``   public void listCompleteCertRequests() {``
``       Collection```` list = null;``
``       try {``
``           list = client.listRequests(“complete”, null);``
``       } catch (Exception e) {``
``           e.printStackTrace();``
``       }``
``  ``
``       printRequests(list);``
``   }``
``  }``
``  The wrapper script called on the beaker machine.``
``  #!/bin/bash``
``  ``
``  ### Add all the pki packages and other dependent pki packages to the class path``
``  export CLASSPATH=/usr/share/java/junit4.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/*:/usr/lib64/jss/jss4.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-certsrv.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-ca.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-cms.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-cmsbundle.jar:   /usr/share/java/pki/pki-cmscore.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-cmsutil.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-console-theme.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-kra.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-nsutil.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-ocsp.jar:/usr/share/java/pki      /pki-silent.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-tks.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-tomcat.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-tools.jar:/usr/share/java/pki/pki-tps.jar:/usr/share/java/jss/jss4.jar:/usr/share/java/httpcomponents/httpclient.jar:/usr/share/java/httpcomponents/httpcore.jar:/usr/share/java/resteasy/jaxrs-api.jar:/usr/share/java/resteasy/resteasy-atom-provider.jar:/usr/share/java/resteasy/resteasy-jaxb-provider.jar:/usr/share/java/resteasy/resteasy-jaxrs.jar:/usr/share/java/resteasy/resteasy-jaxrs-jandex.jar:/usr/share/java/resteasy/resteasy-jettison-provider.jar:/usr/share/java/apache-commons-cli.jar:/usr/share/java/apache-commons-codec.jar:/usr/share/java/apache-commons-logging.jar:/usr/share/java/commons-codec.jar:/usr/share/java/commons-httpclient.jar:/usr/share/java/idm-console-base-1.1.7.jar:/usr/share/java/idm-console-mcc.jar:/usr/share/java/idm-console-nmclf.jar:/usr/share/java/jakarta-commons-httpclient.jar:/usr/share/java/jaxb-api.jar:/usr/share/java/ldapjdk.jar:/usr/share/java/apache-commons-lang.jar:/usr/share/java/istack-commons-runtime.jar:/usr/share/java/scannotation.jar:/usr/share/java/servlet.jar:/usr/share/java/velocity.jar:/usr/share/java/xerces-j2.jar:/usr/share/java/xml-commons-apis.jar:/usr/share/java/tomcat/catalina.jar:/usr/share/java/tomcat/tomcat-util.jar:/usr/share/java/commons-io.jar:/home/akoneru/workspace/PKIUnitTests/bin``
``  ``
``  cd bin``
``  ``
``  java org.junit.runner.JUnitCore BeakerTestSuite > /dev/null 2>&1``
``  ``
``  chmod +x java-tests-script.sh``
``  ``
``  sh java-tests-script.sh``
`` ``

How to run the tests:#

-- The entire environment can be initiated from the configured project in the Jenkins server.
-- All the prerequisite scripts can be configured to run as a pre-build procedure.
-- Then the latest code is checked out and the rpms built. (It can also be configured to use the local branch as the source from where the rpms are built.)
-- ``\ ```Beaker``\ ``Plugin <https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Beaker+Builder+Plugin>`__`` for Jenkins can be used to schedule a job on the installed beaker machine to run the tests.``
-- Some of the post test scripts can be configured to run to provide better results.


All the results from various test suites are integrated on the beaker server. The results can be posted publicly.

Tools proposed#

  • 1. Jenkins CI server

    1. JUnit 4.11

    1. py.test/nose for the python client framework.

  • 4. A collection of bash scripts for setting up the test environment (ENV variables/Subsystem installation/Addressing dependencies).

(Can use the installation scripts already written - Source: git clone git://fedorapeople.org/home/fedora/edewata/public_git/pki-dev.git)