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Java Development Kit#

Download and install JDK 7. To install automatically using yum:

% yum install java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel

With manual installation, set JAVA_HOME environment variable to the installation directory and add $JAVA_HOME/bin to the PATH.

Java Card Development Kit#

Download and unpack Java Card Development Kit 2.2.2.

Unpack java_card_kit-2_2_2-rr-bin– into a folder, then set the JAVACARD_KIT_DIR environment variable to that folder.

Unpack into the same folder.

Optionally, unpack and to the same folder as well.

Open Platform Card#

Download and unpack Open Platform Card 2.0.1. Unpack the included into a directory, then set the OPEN_PLATFORM_DIR environment variable to that directory.

CAP File Transformer#

Download and unpack CAP File Transformer 1.5.

Git SVN#

Download and install git-svn. To install automatically using yum:

% yum install git-svn

See also git-svn(1) Manual Page.


Download and install Ant. To install automatically using yum:

% yum install ant

With manual installation, set the ANT_HOME to the installation folder and add $ANT_HOME/bin into the PATH.

See also Ant Manual.


Download jCardSim JAR file.

To get the source code:

% git svn clone -s jcardsim

Getting CoolKey Source Code#

Use git-svn to checkout the source code as follows:

% git svn clone -s

The applet is located in the coolkey/applet folder.

Copy the to and configure the following properties:

  • jcdk.dir

  • openplatform.dir

  • jcardsim.jar


To build the applet execute the following command in the coolkey/applet folder:

% ant


To run the tests execute the following command in the coolkey/applet folder:

% ant test


To generate the deployment files execute the following command in coolkey/applet folder:

% ant deploy

For e-gate cards use the CAP File Transformer:

% java -jar captransf.jar lang.exp framework.exp security.exp cryto.exp -noint CardEdge.cap

Extract the generated CAP files:

% jar xvf CardEdge.cap.transf

Concatenate CAP files:

C:\> copy Header.cap + Directory.cap + Import.cap + Applet.cap + Class.cap + Method.cap + StaticField.cap + ConstantPool.cap + RefLocation.cap + Descriptor.cap  CardEdge.bin
% cat Header.cap Directory.cap Import.cap Applet.cap Class.cap Method.cap StaticField.cap ConstantPool.cap RefLocation.cap Descriptor.cap > CardEdge.bin